All candidates or members participating in an Induction weekend or Lodge Event held at a Council camp must have on file with the lodge or submitted with their reservation a Scouting America Health and Medical Record (Parts A and B). Part B must be signed and dated. There are NO exceptions for events held at a Council camp! For activities in excess of 72 hours (NOAC for instance), you must use the resident camp medical form (Parts A, B & C) and Part C must be signed and dated by a medical doctor. A copy of the current Scouting America Medical Form can be down loaded on the Annual Health forms page.
Induction Forms (New Candidates) & Links:
Event Forms & Links:
Miscellaneous Forms & Links:
GGAC Short Term Campsite/Facility Reservation Forms:
Winter Camp Awareness & Klondike Documents:
NOAC (National Order of the Arrow Conference) Forms & Links:
© 2025 All rights reserved, Golden Gate Area Council, Scouting America