Lodge Rules

The Rules of Yerba Buena Lodge are posted here to provide Arrowmen, Council Representatives and Parents information pertaining to the operations of Yerba Buena Lodge 719.  To download a PDF copy of the Lodge Rules,  Click Here, to go to the resources page.


YERBA BUENA LODGE RULES-v2.0 (Approved by LEC, 12/12/2022)

(supersedes v1.0, approved 02/10/2021)


I.  Mission and Objective

The mission of the lodge is to achieve the purpose of the Order of the Arrow as an integral part of Scouting America in the council through positive youth leadership under the guidance of selected adults. The lodge shall operate under all rules, regulations, and policies of the National Order of the Arrow, including all Operational Updates, and order of the Arrow National publications.


II.  Name and Affiliation of the Lodge

The lodge shall be known as Yerba Buena Lodge 719, Golden Gate Area Council No. 023, Scouting America, and shall be under the supervision of the VP of Programs and administrative authority of the Scout Executive.


III.  Membership

A. Election to Membership

The requirement for membership in the lodge shall be as state in the current printing of the Order of the Arrow Handbook and the Order of the Arrow Guide for Officers and Advisers.

B. Brotherhood Membership

Completion of Brotherhood membership shall be in accordance with the requirements in the current printing of the Order of the Arrow Handbook or the Order of the Arrow Guide for Officers and Advisers.

C. Vigil Honor

Attainment of the Vigil Honor shall be in accordance with the requirements in the current printing of the Order of the Arrow Handbook or the Order of the Arrow Guide for Officers and Advisers.


IV.  Ordeals

A. Procedures for Ordeals shall be in accordance with the Order of the Arrow Handbook, and the Guide to Ordeals.

B. Ordeals are normally hosted by the lodge with exceptions approved by the LEC.

C. Ordeals will be held at the Golden Gate Area Council Camps based on camp availability with exceptions approved by the LEC.

D. A minimum of two Ordeals per year will be held (spring and fall as a minimum).


V.  Organizational Structure

A. Villages

  • The lodge shall be divided into geographical groups called “villages” (“chapter” is used in Order of the Arrow documentation), which shall coincide with the council’s traditional Scouting districts. The LEC may waive this if they believe that two or more districts should operate as one village.
  • Villages are responsible for unit visitation, including holding Order of the Arrow elections and promotion of council resident camps.
  • Villages should meet regularly, at least once per month.
  • Villages have the option to host their own events and activities.
  • Villages may support district events (e.g. Camporees) but are not required to do so.
  • Village updates are to be provided at each LEC meeting and include:
    1. Unit visitations conducted
    2. Events held

B. Committees

  1. Lodge operating committees may consist of the following Committees and/or Sub-Committees as determined by the LEC:
  1. AIA/Ceremonies
  2. Awards
  3. Banquet
  4. Communications
  5. Conclave/Section Reps
  6. Council Event(s)
  7. Elangomat
  8. Fellowship/BBQ
  9. Finance
  10. Order of the Arrow Reps
  11. Program
  12. Public Affairs
  13. Quartermaster
  14. Service
  15. Trade-o-ree
  16. Trading Post
  17. Unit Visitations
  18. Vigil
  • The LEC may create, suspend, combine, rename, or reinstate the operation of any lodge Committee or sub-Committee if they feel it is necessary or desirable.
  • The LEC may form any ad-hoc committee if they feel it is necessary or desirable.


VI.  Lodge Officers

A. Elected Lodge Officers

  1. The elected lodge officers are Lodge Chief, Lodge Vice Chief of Unit Relations, Lodge Vice Chief of Ordeals, Lodge Vice Chief of Activation, Lodge Vice Chief of Public Affairs, Lodge Secretary, and Lodge Treasurer.
  2. Elected lodge officers must be younger than age 21 during their entire term of office and hold no other office in the lodge.
  3. Lodge officers are elected by their fellow youth members in good standing of the lodge, annually, and have approval of the Lodge Adviser.
  4. Elected lodge officers must also meet any additional requirements within the current printing of the Order of the Arrow Handbook or the Order of the Arrow Guide for Officers and Advisers, or any other pertinent national publication.
  5. The lodge chief may appoint a lodge officer for a period of 180 days if one is not elected by the lodge membership. This appointment must have the approval of the Lodge Adviser. An election must be schedule and conducted within the 180-day period for any position appointed in such a manner.

B. Lodge Key 3

  1. The Lodge Chief, Lodge Adviser, and Lodge Staff Adviser form the “Lodge Key 3”.


VII.   Village Officers

A. Elected Village Officers

  1. The elected village officers shall be: Village Chief, Village Vice Chief of Ordeals, and Village Vice Chief of Communications. Villages may suspend, combine, or add village officers if they feel it is needed and desirable.
  2. Elected village officers must be younger than age 21 during their entire term of office.
  3. Village officers are elected by their fellow youth members of the village in good standing with the lodge.
  4. Elected village officers must be registered in a unit within the geographical boundaries of the village.
  5. Elected village officers must also meet any additional requirements within the current printing of the Order of the Arrow Handbook or the Order of the Arrow Guide for Officers and Advisers, or any other pertinent national publication.

B. Village Key 3

  1. The Village Chief, Village Adviser, and District Executive form the “Village Key 3”.
  2. Note: The Lodge Chief may appoint a Village Chief or Village Vice Chief for a period not to exceed 180 days if one is not elected by village membership. This appointment must have the approval of the Lodge Adviser.


VIII. Appointed Committee Chairpersons

  1. The Lodge Chief shall appoint the youth chairs to the lodge operating committees in consultation with the related elected lodge officer.
  2. Committee chairpersons must be younger than age 21 during their entire term of office.
  3. Committee chairpersons can serve as chair to not more than two committees.
  4. Committee chairperson of the Vigil Committee must not be eligible for the Vigil Honor.


IX.  Schedule of Elections

  1. Lodge officer elections are held just prior to the start of the lodge banquet in December. The LEC may change, if needed, the date and/or location of the officer elections.
  2. Notice of lodge elections must be made within 30 days prior to the election via direct email.
  3. Village officer elections should be held in January of the following year.


X.  Term of Office

  1. The term of office for all elected lodge and village officers and appointed committee chairman shall be January 1 through December 31 (a calendar year).


XI.  Removal of Elected Officer or Appointed Committee Chairperson

  1. The Lodge Chief has the responsibility to recommend to the Lodge Adviser and Lodge Staff Adviser the removal of any lodge officer, village officer, or committee chairperson who is not performing his or her duties.
  2. The Lodge Adviser and Lodge Staff Adviser must approve all recommended removals of officers or committee chairpersons.
  3. Any Arrowman removed from office must be notified in writing stating the reason for removal.

XII. Lodge and Village Advisers

A. Lodge Adviser and Associate Advisers

  1. The Lodge Adviser shall be appointed by the Scout Executive or Lodge Staff Adviser. All advisers are appointed for a period of 1 year, January 1 through December 31.
  2. Associate Lodge Advisers are appointed by the Lodge Adviser with approval of the Lodge Staff Adviser.
  3. The Lodge Adviser in consultation with the committee chairmen and Lodge Chief shall appoint committee advisers with the approval of the Lodge Staff Adviser.
  4. All advisers must be over the age of 21 at the time of their appointment.
  5. The Scout Executive or Lodge Staff Adviser may remove any adviser at any time.

B. Village Advisers and Associate Village Advisers

  1. Village Advisers shall be appointed by the Lodge Adviser with approval of the Lodge Staff Adviser.
  2. Associate Village Advisers shall be appointed by the Village Adviser with approval of the Lodge Adviser.

XIII. Lodge Executive Committee (LEC)

A. The Lodge Executive Committee (LEC) shall be the decision-making body of the Lodge. The LEC shall meet monthly and at the discretion of the Lodge Chief with the advice of the Lodge Key Three (Lodge Chief, Lodge Adviser, and Staff Adviser).

B. The LEC consists of the following:

  1. Lodge Officers
  2. Lodge Adviser
  3. Lodge Associate Advisers
  4. Lodge Staff Adviser
  5. Village Chiefs
  6. Village Advisers and Associate Village Advisers
  7. Operating Lodge Committee Chairpersons
  8. Operating Lodge Committee Advisers and Associate Advisers
  9. Scout Executive
  10. Immediate Past Lodge Chief

C. The voting members of the LEC shall be:

  1. The Lodge Officers
  2. Lodge Vice-Chiefs
  3. Village Chiefs
  4. Immediate Past Lodge Chief (if under the age of 21).
  5. No member of the LEC shall hold more than one vote. Proxy voting is not permitted, but votes may be cast by LEC members participating virtually (e.g., via Zoom) in any LEC meeting. LEC meetings are open to all.

D. Quorum

  1. A quorum for a LEC meeting is more than 50% of the voting members. Meetings without a quorum may continue but no official lodge business can take place. Note that vacant LEC seats do not count in the calculation of quorum.

E. Meeting Schedule

  1. The schedule of LEC meetings for the upcoming year shall be published at the beginning of the lodge year. Meetings will typically be held monthly.
  2. Notice of LEC meetings and the agenda should be sent at least 5 days prior to the scheduled meeting. The Key 3 may schedule a special, “called” LEC meeting with 7 days’ notice.
  3. Minutes of LEC meetings should be distributed no later than 15 days after the meeting.

F. Organization Changes

  1. The LEC, with a majority vote, may change the lodge organization structure at any time.

XIV.  Lodge Calendar

  1. The lodge calendar is developed and approved by the LEC.
  2. The lodge calendar should include all lodge events as determined by the LEC such as Ordeals, Lodge BBQ, Annual Awards Banquet, Fellowships, etc. The calendar should also include other events such as Winter Camp Awareness & Klondike, Fages Hike, Trade-o-ree, Section Conclave and other Council supported events.
  3. The lodge calendar should be approved no later than the November LEC of the prior year.
  4. Lodge events that require of the use of a council camp should be coordinated with the Council as soon as possible to avoid conflicts with other groups requesting camp access.

XV. Lodge Meetings

A. Schedule

  1. The lodge shall schedule and hold at least one lodge meeting each lodge year.
  2. Lodge meetings shall be identified as such on the lodge calendar and can be scheduled along with another lodge activity.
  3. Notice of a lodge meeting and its agenda must be sent through official lodge communications channels (e.g., an email sent through LodgeMaster) at least 30 days prior to the meeting.

B. Quorum

  1. A quorum for a lodge meeting is 10% of youth membership as shown on the most recent charter application. Meetings without a quorum may continue but no official lodge business can be conducted.
  2. Lodge members under the age of 21 with current dues paid may vote on any business at lodge meetings.
  3. Proxy voting is not permitted but votes can be cast by lodge members participating virtually (e.g., via Zoom) in any lodge meeting.

XVI. Lodge Responsibilities to the Golden Gate Area Council

A. Camping Program

  1. The lodge should support the council camping program by including camping promotion with unit visitations. The council will provide marketing and other materials for use at these visitations.
  2. The lodge should strive to serve and support all of the Council’s camps to the best of it’s abilities taking into account available resources.

B. Financial Support

  1. The lodge should support the council financially as documented the Lodge Financial Practices Guide.

C. Optional Responsibilities

  1. The lodge at its discretion support council camping events such as Family Camping, Webelos Woods, LEAD, Winter Camp Awareness & Klondike, Council training events., etc.

XVII. Lodge Awards

The lodge has the following awards to both recognize and incentivize participation:

  1. Elangomat Award: Given to the Arrowman to who best carries out the duties of an Elangomat including clan activation.
  2. Bead System: To recognize participation lodge events.
  3. Arrowman of the Year: To recognize one Arrowman who has given outstanding contribution to the lodge.
  4. Activity Award: Given to all Arrowmen who attend a certain number of events during the past year.
  5. Village of the Year: Given to the village showing the best Order of the Arrow spirit, as determined by the Lodge Chief.
  6. White Sash: Given to a non-member who gives outstanding support to the Lodge.
  7. New Members: Given to the new Order of the Arrow member who best exemplifies our values of Brotherhood, Cheerfulness, and Service.

XVIII.  Lodge Finances

  1. All Order of the Arrow funds shall be handled through the council service center and go through all normal council accounting procedures.
  2. Day-to-day financial operations of the lodge shall also follow the Yerba Buena Guide to Financial Operations.
  3. The Lodge Treasurer shall provide a monthly lodge financial statement of income and expense to the LEC.
  4. The Lodge Treasurer shall prepare a lodge operating budget to the LEC, prior to the end of the lodge year. The budget should be balanced.
  5. The lodge fiscal year matches the lodge year and is January 1 through December 31.
  6. Lodge dues in an amount approved by the LEC, as part of the budget process, are payable December 1 prior to the beginning of the next lodge year. Arrowmen who have not paid their lodge dues by February 1 are considered inactive.
  7. The lodge will budget funds for Villages in a manner and amount approved by the LEC.
  8. The lodge will have an “Annual Pass” / “Package Plan” which allows Arrowmen to purchase event fees in advance at a discount.
  9. The LEC may, at its discretion, budget lodge events at no-fee or reduced fee in order to remove barriers to participation.
  10. The LEC may authorize special events and special lodge identity items to raise funds for special purposes. Examples are a Trade-o-ree, Fages Hike or special patches.

XIX.  Lodge Identity

  1. The lodge totem is the humpback whale.
  2. The lodge will “use” the number “719” as defined by a sum of the three legacy lodges (58 Ut-in Selica, 282 Achewon Nimat, 379 Kaweah).
  3. All patches, pocket flaps, and neckerchiefs shall carry the lodge totem, and a fleur-de-lis (or BSA) and the number 719.
  4. Lodge colors are gold, gray, and navy blue.
  5. All identity items must comply with BSA standards.
  6. Design and issuance of the lodge identity items to be carried as inventory in the trading post must be approved by the LEC along with the financial impact (e.g., expected payback period) to the lodge.
  7. Villages may also design and issue village identity items upon approval of the LEC.
  8. Other lodge identity items (i.e.: for specific events such as National Order of the Arrow Conference (NOAC) patches, Jamboree patches, etc. shall be approved and recommended by the respective lodge committee and approved by the lodge key 3 to ensure compliance with all applicable criteria).

XX.  Lodge Rules Change Process

  1. Proposed changes to the lodge rules are first reviewed by the Lodge Key 3 and specifically the Lodge Staff Adviser to ensure that the proposed changes do not create a conflict with Golden Gate Area Council policies or national BSA policies.
  2. The proposed changes must be distributed to all LEC members 7 days prior to the LEC.
  3. A majority vote of LEC members approves the changes.

XXI. Final Authority

  1. If there is a conflict between the lodge rules and the current printing of the Order of the Arrow Handbook, the Order of the Arrow Guide for Officers and Advisers, or other pertinent national publications, the lodge rules must be changed in order to be consistent with said publications.
  2. If there is a conflict between the lodge rules and Golden Gate Area Council policy or BSA National policy, the lodge rules must be changed to be consistent with said policies.
  3. Interpretation or clarification of the Lodge Rules is the responsibility of the Scout Executive or Lodge Staff Adviser whose decision is final and binding.

Approved: Michael Hale, 02/08/2023

Scout Executive/CEO – Golden Gate Area Council, #023

Supreme Chief of the Fire – Yerba Buena Lodge 719

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