An Induction Weekend is a three-day experience lasting from Friday evening to Sunday morning. It is designed to be meaningful and offer time for reflection. The weekend will also give you opportunities to learn about the traditions of the Order of the Arrow and yourself. Your induction weekend will be a challenging, but rewarding, journey into the values of the Scout Oath and Law. You will undergo this experience with scouts and scouters from all across the Golden Gate Area Council and provide much-needed service to our council camps. The bonds you form at your Induction Weekend will last for years.
The below part of this page contains information about your Induction Weekend, including a packing list. It will not contain much information about the events within an Induction Weekend, which is intentional. Some of the more meaningful parts of the weekend derive much of their significance from the fact that there are no preconception about them. Additionally, the reflection afforded candidates by the Induction Weekend means that your experience will be unique, colored more by your own personality and nature than by the experiences of others. In the interest of transparency, however, if your parents have any questions about the details of the induction weekend, they should feel free to contact us at [email protected] and [email protected]. We will be happy to answer their questions.
The fee for the Induction is $95
Candidates will be informed when the next Induction Weekend will be held through email. The cost for candidates to attend the Induction Weekend is indicated in the registration link and covers your sash, handbook, lodge flap, a year’s membership, food and the cost of running the Induction Weekend.
2. Be fully compliant with California AB-506, which includes mandated state training and a Live Scan background check, except if the following:
AGE 18-20 (AB-506 NOT REQUIRED):
If, the Older Youth / Order of the Arrow member is registered in a BSA program (Exploring, Sea Scouts, or Venturing) they are considered to be a “youth” in terms of AB-506, and not an adult volunteer. However, the older youth still needs to be YPT compliant.
AGE 18-20 (AB-506 REQUIRED):
If, the Older Youth / Order of the Arrow member is only registered in a Scouts BSA Unit, they are considered to be an adult volunteer in terms of AB-506. The participant would need to be both YPT and AB-506 compliant.
Regular Volunteer means an individual 18 years of age or older who volunteers his or her time and has direct contact with, or supervision of, minors for more than 16 hours per month or 32 hours per year.
AB-506 defines Regular Volunteer as a “volunteer . . . who is 18 years of age or older and who has direct contact with, or supervision of, children for more than 16 hours per month or 32 hours per year.” If you know that you will spend more than 16 hours in any given month, or 32 hours in a year, in direct contact with, or supervising children, then you qualify as a Regular Volunteer. Scouting America policy requires that every individual in California who qualifies as a Regular Volunteer comply with AB-506.
For more information, refer to the AB-506 Volunteer policy, click here.
For more information, refer to the Golden Gate Area Council policy, click here.
© 2025 All rights reserved, Golden Gate Area Council, Scouting America