Winter Camp Awareness (WCA)

Get all your scouts ready to camp in the winter months! A MUST for all new Scouts, and a nice refresher course for all. Winter camping is a fun activity that builds friendships as well as developing leadership and outdoor skills. However, this type of activity presents many hazards that would be difficult to overcome if the unit is not well prepared. At Winter Camp Awareness experienced Scouts teach classes covering the skills needed to provide any first aid that might be needed while snow camping as well as discussions concerning what to pack. The first aid class will cover details about diagnosing cold related illnesses and how to treat and prevent them in addition to covering other common first aid issues. Other classes will cover what type of snow camping equipment is needed on a group and an individual level, including things needed to sleep warm at night, necessary clothing to stay warm and dry during the day, types of stoves and fuel that work well in the snow and at high altitudes, and how to build snow shelters as well as choosing a snow shelter that works best for the conditions in which you find yourself.

WCA Evaluation Form:

Click here to open a Google online evaluation form for the WCA.

Click here for a PDF copy of the evaluation form that you can email to us at “[email protected]

Presentation Documents:

The following training documents (in PDF form) are available for download for support in teaching Winter camping. Click on the individual document name, you can then save the document to your computer for distribution.


First Aid


Sleeping Warm


Stoves & Fuel


Tents & Terrain


Winter Clothing


Winter Foods


Order of the Arrow

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